Virgoans - The Eyes Have It

Virgoans, your time has come. With your wit, independence and forever hard-working diligence, you naturally know how to get things done; and as the only sign represented by a woman, it comes as no surprise to us. And, frankly, we can’t get enough. So whether you are a born Virgo (or know someone just like her), let us take the proverbial reins - only for a bit, we promise - to wax poetic about you, our favorite perfectionists. 

Having a keen eye for detail and instinctively knowing what goes where is an attribute we deem most enviable and rare; and why we think you would like to wear our Garden Gate Jewelry Eyes Necklace as a daily reminder of such fare. And since you notice all the small things - we’re sure you’ve already caught this pendant’s unique offering of two sides depicting one open and one closed eye - we know you know it’s giving you the option to flip to which side you want to represent; because, well, you’re nothing, if not pragmatic.

And not only that, we also dig how much you value and take pride in your appearance - and may we say you always look so very good doing it - so we thought you might want to even further highlight your being an Earth sign by swiping on some Poppy & Pout Lip Tint, perhaps in the rich Roxie shade this time? Then maybe add the Glam & Grace Mega Non-Toxic Nail Polish too, resting oh so prettily on a Karacotta Ceramics Sunset Triangle Dish when not in use? Just so everything is in its right place, which we’re sure forever organized you will also appreciate.

Well, Virgoans, it seems we haven’t really even begun to scratch the surface when it comes to humble, kind, reliable, helpful, bright and shiny you and all your deservedness; but, a promise is a promise and we did say that we would only momentarily be taking over the reins. But before we sign off, we just wanted to say - in our best fellow Virgo singing voice a la Beyonce: Happy Happy Happy Birthday.

*Hands over reins*

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